A German stilt walker, a Kuwaiti investment banker and a Swiss wood carver walk into a bar…
Train from St. Gallen, Switzerland to Munich, Germany
September 19th, 2024
There are many ways to live.
I left off wishing that magic was real. I pick up again believing it is. Such is the inspiration and nourishment I’ve take from the great creative forces that have hosted me over the past few days.
On Sunday Rene and I went for a shorter hike near Lake Brienz. He asked me to carry a small box for the hike. When we got there he told me he had planned to give me this on the mountain top at the canceled hike on Friday. Inside was a little night light to light in my father’s memory and a little camping cooking pot to make new memories with my daughter. We lit a fire and made popcorn. Later Rene’s wife Mirjam, their children and another friend joined us. It was magic.

René brings a candle for Dad
I played a second gig at Reusser Guitars on Sunday night and this too was hugely enjoyable. Brienz may be one of the most picturesque places I’ve ever been. I went for another walk after the gig on Sunday night and watched the moon climb above one mountain peak and reflect back a strange faint pinkish white light back off the snow on the opposite peak. For a moment it felt like two moons rising. I’ve been walking loads and it helps me process things.

With René Reusser in Bern
On Monday Rene brought me to Bern. We had a quick walk around the beautiful old town before he dropped me off at Cafe Kairo. I played a couple of songs at this, listened to some cool acts. The featured band Rambl were excellent. I’d have real difficulty putting them in a genre. Doubl bass, drums and electric guitar,surf / jazz/ rock? Very, very good whatever we want to call it. I chatted with a retired investment banker from Kuwait who told me the best things in life are are free. He has his wife try to go visit two new places every year. Which sounds great if not quite free?


Doorway in Bern
I went outside for some air and a man full of beer stopped talking to his friend and turned around and told me, “ I can tell you know real love.” “I do”, I said. “How about you?” I will love my next wife very much”, he said.
The owner Triona, perhaps sensing the conversation might be longer than my energies might afford came out and asked if I would like a nightcap. I told her I’m not drinking these days. “That’s not really what I’m asking, come in and join us”
Back in I went and chatted with the staff and musicians. The staff were a couple of people short for inter bar soccer match on Sunday. If I was still in town I’d definitely come out of retirement for them.
Triona and I got to talking about Glasgow Celtic, she’s heading to see Bern play them soon. All of my lives piled on top of each other.
I stayed Alaina from Peekskill, NY. She’s a friend of my friend Christopher Paul Stelling. Her friend Matt was visiting from Scranton, PA and they are good people. It’s always interesting to me to see how other expats live.
Tuesday, I left my bags at Rene’s friend Simon’s office very close to the train station. This is a hugelt hepful thing you can offer a touring musician! Freed of my baggage I walked weightlessly through the cobblestone streets, along by the river, hello to the town bears ( look it up!) up to the Rose garden and back down to town. I found a shop called Rockaway Beach and dropped off some records from this here Rockaway Beach based singer.

Rockaway beach man meets Swiss Rockaway Beach shop owner.
I took an extremely scenic journey from Bern to Sursee and I played another beautiful, beautiful gig at Kreativ Garasch. Elias, my host is also a wood carver. He makes truly inspiring pieces. I love hanging out with guy and the gig was very enjoyable.

Elias and the fox – ask me about this next time you see me.

Stage in Sursee

Elias lights a stage candle for my father.
Next day, another beautiful train ride on to Lichtensteig to play at another Elias and Christina’s Atellier Holzbildhauerei im Stadtufer. This was an old 19th century textile factory that has been converted into multiple work spaces. I met wood carvers, blacksmiths and tool makers. There was even a room full of rock climbing walls in one of the spaces. Again it was a truly beautiful place to play and another full house.

Lictensteig Stage
I shared some video of the soundcheck on my instagram page and will post some full videos on Patreon soon.
Somebody in Tijuana tried to hack my instagram and I spend a ludicrous half hour before bed trying to persuade the security robots that I am myself.

Population control swing??

Another cool window view
Munich, September 20th, 2024
A Swiss train Germany, carrying this sober Irish musician was almost a half hour late arriving in Munich Hauptbahnhof yesterday. Whilst the delay was frustrating I do always enjoy the destruction of stereotypes. I have probably played in Munich almost as much as Cork in recent years. Paul Solecki is the main reason for that, he helps me find gigs, socks, rest, coffee and is the purveyor of the best worst puns I’ve ever heard.

If Rory was here, it’s cool.
The gig was at Irish Folk Pub and whilst it was a little hard to hear myself I enjoyed it very much. Afterwards we chatted with a co-worker of Paul’s who is also a professional stilt walker. Her accolades including meeting Dolly Parton at an international stilt walking event in Dollywood.
There are many ways to live.
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